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Dog AdviceLifeStyle

Help Fido get FLY for the Summer

HELP FIDO GET FLY FOR SUMMER People tend to shed their clothing when the temperatures rise -- hello, bikini season! Unfortunately, pets can't "take off" their fur, but you can help them stay cool with a cute summer cut. Contrary…
May 29, 2013
Dog AdviceLifeStyle

Vegan Dog Food

If you're wondering if dogs can be vegan, the answer is yes. Dogs, like humans, don't need meat to survive. The pugs' vets in Boston, Los Angeles and New York City have all been supportive of their vegan diet and…
May 26, 2013
Dog AdviceLifeStyle

PAWS NY event- Monday 5/20

PAWS NY's fundraiser is just days away, so spread the word and get your tickets today! We hope you can join us for a fun and casual night to celebrate the important work we do to help keep seniors and…
May 15, 2013
Dog AdviceLifeStyle

New York City Dog Spring Time Tips

Springtime Safety Tips Spring has sprung, and with the change of season, our thoughts inevitably turn to Easter celebrations, spring cleaning and much-needed home improvement projects. But the new balmy weather can prove not-so-sunny for curious pets—or their unwitting parents.…
May 13, 2013