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When you think of a side hustle, you probably picture things like food delivery or ridesharing, but there are many gigs available to help you make extra money. One opportunity you may not know a lot about is dog walking. Here are just five reasons you should consider setting up a dog walking business today!

1. Earn As Much or As Little As You Want

If you need to make some extra money to help cover bills, afford more luxuries, pay off your student loans more quickly, or bulk up your savings account, dog walking may be the perfect way to reach your goals. You get paid for each dog and each walk you go on, so how much you can make each day is entirely up to you. If you know you have a significant expense coming up soon, you can easily schedule more walks to help ensure you have everything covered.

2. Choose How and When To Work

There are many different options for a dog walking business – you can choose to advertise your services independently on gig websites or by putting up flyers and ads in your area, or elect to join a dog walking platform. Regardless of which option you choose to go through, you are often entirely in charge of your schedule; you get to decide how many walks you want to take on and when, so you can structure your walks around your other commitments efficiently. Fitting in a walk between classes, on your lunch break, or before or after your workday means you can make money without the stress and pressure of another nine-to-five job.

3. Help Animals and Their Owners

When you take a dog for a walk, their physical, mental, and emotional health can improve. You can help dogs overcome – or avoid – common issues like destructive behaviors, joint problems, and obesity, meaning they can stay healthy and happy for many years to come. Every owner wants to do the best for their dog, but many situations may prevent them from taking their dog on a walk as often as they need. As a professional dog walker, you get to step in and provide much-needed support; they also get to have peace of mind knowing that their beloved companion is taken care of regardless of what else may be going on in their day-to-day lives.

4. Improve Your Health

Studies show that there are many benefits that dog walking can provide for humans as well as pets. Physically, going on walks can help you improve your cardiovascular health, decrease your risk of stroke or heart attack, and help you maintain a healthy weight. Walking frequently can also enhance your energy levels and help make staying active in other ways more manageable.

Getting out into nature can also help you feel more grounded and connected, both with the world around you and your community in general. Spending time outside with a dog can decrease your loneliness and improve your mental health; it can even help you shed stress and enhance your self-esteem!

5. Spend Time With Pets

Many people would love to own a dog but may not have the space or time to devote to one full-time; becoming a dog walker can be a perfect middle ground! You still get to spend time with dogs of all shapes and sizes and enjoy the many benefits of being around them without the full commitment that comes with owning a pet yourself. There is also the potential to build positive relationships with the dog and its owner, so you may see the same familiar faces every week!

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